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Chi Gong a type of Tai Chi that PWP use to help manage the symptoms

MindValley on YouTube. Resource for guided meditations

Building a gazebo (both metaphoric and actual)

One of our participants discussed depression and reconciling with change and loss. Losing the ability to do activities that brought joy.

Anger, walking, accepting.


Small hand writing resources

(Our friend Barbara collected these great resources for handwriting exercises)

This organization has workshops on micrographia. 

Davis Phinney Resources on micrographia

Barbara also cited an interview with Dr. Ray Dorsey Titled: Ending Parkinson’s Disease His website is HERE. He wrote a book Ending Parkinson’s Disease.

We also discussed hand therapy and different approaches and products. There was a therapy putty recommended by FlintRehab. Click Here to see the product on Amazon.

Sleep was discussed and Al recommended coconut oil rubbed on the sole of the foot.


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