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Today we discussed the importance of humor and nurturing humor and laughter

Searching for a social worker to join us to discuss issues relevant to Parkinson’s

The pitfalls and values of an interconnected society based on the internet. The predatory industry peddling promises for a cure. Also, internet found websites that seem very convincing but are not validated by contemporary western based scientific methods.

We discussed possible causes of Parkinson’s both environmental and hereditary.

We discussed both motor and non motor symptoms

Urination issues for both male and female

Supplements and that there is a predatory industry that makes unsubstantiated claims and promises of a cure.

Freezing in Parkinson’s. A motor symptom.

We discussed inviting future speakers. Decide Success by John Baumann

Patrick cautioned us on Googling recourses online. Google searches often turn back not great information. Patrick will begin to maintain a list of vetted resources:

Resources discussed:

Parkinson’s Diseased Foundation 

Michael J Fox foundation

Parkinson’s Community Los Angeles Nonprofit



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