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How to get up from a fall


“It used to be that I couldn’t get up from a chair but after using the 5 Minute Workouts, I can get up by myself.” Sara K. Age 72, Manhattan, New York

Sara K.
Age 72, Manhattan, New York

“Thank you Patrick! The DVDs I purchased have made an incredible change in the way I think of my disease and the way I feel. I’m fighting back!”

Leonard P.
Age 68, Manhattan Beach, CA

“This DVD program is fun and I feel so much better. My shoulder used to hurt and I couldn’t raise my right arm. Now I can!”

Nathan W.
Age 69, Rhode Island

“I use my DVD every morning. It makes me feel so much better through the day.” Rhonda B. Age 72, Montreal, Canada

Rhonda B.
Age 72, Montreal, Canada

“I actually went back to the (golf) driving range one month after using the Bar. I got my golf swing back, not quite what it used to be but it was fun!”

Sandy M.
Age 81, Chicago, IL

“I tried other DVD programs but none of them has made me feel as great as I feel now using the BrainBall and the Bar.” Oscar B, Age 56, De Moines, IA

Oscar B,
Age 56, De Moines, IA

“I love the beautiful locations. I t takes me back to wonderful trips my fly fishing. I feel so refreshed even after just 5 minutes.”

Mel R.
Age 91, Montana

“Where I live, there are no trainers that specialize in Parkinson’s. Patrick’s DVDs have given me hope and have definitely improved my health and balance.”

Meagan S.
Age 62, Bakersfield, CA

“I now use the Brain&Body Bar every day. It’s had an amazing effect on my posture, balance and strength. Plus it’s fun!”

Peter R.
Age 76, Chicago, IL

“Just the other day I dropped a heavy lief of a table, it would have crushed my foot but I reacted quickly and moved my body and foot out of the way. I completely believe that I was able to react and move so fast because of Patrick’s exercises.”

Anita W.
Age 81 Los Angeles, CA

“I have been using the Parkinson’s Exercise DVD Program now for three months and I feel so much stronger, confident and balanced. Thanks Patrick!”

Vick F.
Age 78, Los Angeles,


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