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Fitness For Adults

Adulthood is the time to practice, nurture, and explore exercises as a way of improving life an increasing longevity. There are really no limitations during this stage of life and I encourage you to take the opportunity to learn as much as you can about your body and the benefits of exercise. The general principals and components of fitness stay the same for all periods of your life, but the emphasis shifts. As a mature adult, you are free to explore different sports, modes of exercise and body sculpting techniques, and you’re free to explore them with enthusiasm. At 41 years of age I trained, fought and won an amature boxing match. Marathons, triathlons, mountain climbing, skydiving, tennis teams, if you’re not involved in something, find an interest and pursue it. Get involved.
If you already have a sport hobby, learn about the physical demands of the sport, spend some time training for those demands, and be prepared to be amazed at the improvements in ability you’ll experience. It’s motivating and exiting.
I also encourage you to care for yourself in an intelligent way. If you smoke, stop. If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation. Visit the Nutritional Guidelines section on PreventionThruFitness and make healthy choices when you prepare you meals or dine out. Visit the Tips section and find ideas on how to make good decisions that will carry you through he day with energy and alertness. It’s really all about creating intelligent and sensible habits and practices that will create a healthy and happy lifestyle.
The Science
Whether you’re a man or a woman, a commitment to exercise, both aerobic and weight bearing, will improve your health. The adaptations that occur to your respiratory, cardiovascular system, pulmonary system, muscles and soft tissues will improve your health and increase your longevity.
One of the lesser known, but important adaptations occurs in the endrocrine system. It’s my belief that a progressive, and even conservative strength training program promotes healing as well as wellness through stimulation of this system. There has been shown to be a spike in HGH or Human Growth Hormones during a strength training workout. Levels quickly return to normal post exercise, but the health benefits of HGH and IGF-1 or Insulin Growth Factors can not be dismissed. Many women fear a strength training workout because they’re afraid of bulking up like they’re male counterparts do on occasion. This is a science proven fallacy.1 The testosterone levels to put on muscle mass are not found in significant quantity in the female. But what will occur in the female is toning, gentle shaping, bone density improvements, joint strengthening through ligament and tendon strength improvements and improvements in posture. The chances of steopenia and osteoperosis can also be significantly reduced with a properly designed strength training program.
For more information Click Here or call: (323) 422-9794.
1. Kamel Study, 2003


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