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Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series

July 8, 2022

Open Discussion

Parkinson’s Groups You should find a place where you can get the support and assistance you need throughout your PD journey. Check for local support groups, perhaps a local or regional chapter of a national organization such as the Parkinson’s Foundation, the MJ Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, or the Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s. You can also get involved in the organization itself. Each of the organizations have fundraising and advocacy groups. They are always looking for additional help.

Bill, a participant shared that he is using a personal trainer now and that he is back into rehab. He thinks this is helping. One of the things he learned was that if your mouth gets full of water – swallow instead of spitting or drooling. 

Exercise and Exercise Equipment. The group discussed several types of equipment and asked whether there were differences between equipment for Parkies and non-Parkies. Generally, they are the same. There are some that have more advanced features that allow you to adjust them over time. But, in truth they really are made the same as for other non-PWP. However, make sure you do your research, there is a lot of junk out there.

Patrick demonstrated some of the core exercises.

Devices like smart watches and fitness devices, along with hundreds of apps can make exercising easier to monitor and may make it more fun! What is best, is what works for you.

Exercise has many benefits, both psychological and physical. Remember to celebrate victories. And Measure, measure, measure.

Progress. How do you know if you are making progress? You need to analyze and define your own profile, know your strengths, and weaknesses. Be realistic about your perceived level of exertion. Your target heart rate should be approximately 60% of your maximum heart rate.

Journey to Diagnosis. Patrick has been thinking of compiling the ways PWP are told of their diagnosis. He asked the group what they thought about the idea and if they would participate by sharing their journey to diagnosis. The response was quite positive, several participants were willing to share that information.


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