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Parkinson’s – Discussion Group and Education Series 

June 7, 2023

Coping with Parkinson’s Disease

            PWP are overwhelmed. There are always so many things that must get done, and you can’t do it all anymore. It can be difficult to accept the reality of the impact that PD has had on your life.

            Support groups may be a good option for some, but not everyone. If you are not involved in a support group, you still need someone with whom you can discuss your situation.

            You may want to look for a self-care group. But be wary of groups that claim they have a “cure” for PD. There are plenty of scammers with “snake oil” to sell to PWP.

            Massage therapy is both physiologically and psychologically beneficial for PWP. Some PWP also find comfort and/or relief from acupuncture.

            Sometimes unsolicited, unsupported comments can be frustrating. People make assumptions about how a PWP should look or act that are incorrect. You need to “let it go” for your own health.

            “Gazebo”  by Raymond Carver


Self Care https://www.helpguide.org/articles/therapy-medication/support-groups.htm


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